SoSe 24 Oberseminar: Motivic spectra

Time and place: Tuesday 14:14-15:45 in M311 and online

In this seminar, we will present the recent theory of motivic spectra without A¹-invariance. We will prove the universal property of the algebraic K-theory of derived schemes due to Annala and Iwasa; develop the theory of oriented motivic spectra and construct algebraic cobordism as the universal oriented theory; explain the formalism of motivic filtrations giving rise to prismatic, syntomic, and motivic cohomology; prove Poincaré duality and explore applications of the latter, such as the Landweber exact functor theorem and the construction of the category of (non-A¹-invariant) motives with rational coefficients over any derived scheme.

The references are:

Date Topic
16.04 Projective and weighted homotopy invariance
23.04 The Bass fundamental theorem
30.04 The moduli stack of vector bundles
07.05 Oriented motivic spectra
14.05 The universal property of algebraic K-theory
28.05 Constructing the J-homomomorphism
04.06 Algebraic cobordism and the universal orientation
11.06 The Conner–Floyd isomorphism
18.06 Motivic filtrations
25.06 Gysin maps and Atiyah duality
02.07 Logarithmic cohomology
09.07 Motivic Landweber exactness
16.07 Adams decomposition and rational motives