SoSe 25 Seminar: A¹-invariance in algebraic geometry

Time and place: Wednesday 16-18 M103


An A¹-homotopy is an algebraic analogue of a homotopy in topology, where the unit interval [0,1] is replaced by the algebraic affine line A¹. As in topology, it turns out that many interesting invariants of algebraic varieties are A¹-invariant, i.e., they do not see the difference between A¹-homotopic maps. An important example is étale cohomology, which is an algebro-geometric analogue of singular cohomology. The goal of this seminar is to learn the necessary background and study some elementary A¹-homotopical phenomena in algebraic geometry. In particular, we will discuss algebraic vector bundles and symmetric bilinear forms. The main results we will obtain are the following:

1) The A¹-homotopical classification of vector bundles: if X is a smooth affine variety, there is a bijection between isomorphism classes of vector bundles on X and A¹-homotopy classes of maps to the Grassmannian.

2) There is a bijection between the set of pointed A¹-homotopy classes of endomorphisms of the projective line and equivalence classes of nondegenerate symmetric bilinear forms.

Date Speaker Topic
23.04 Liva Diler Affine varieties, A¹-homotopies, and the naive A¹-homotopy category
30.04 James Yan Projective modules I: basic properties and Zariski descent
07.05 Projective modules II: Serre’s splitting theorem
14.05 Orfeo Rusca Picard groups and normal rings
21.05 A¹-invariance of vector bundles I: the Quillen–Suslin theorem
28.05 Liva Diler Grothendieck topologies and sheaves
04.06 Alissa Doggwiler Schemes, functors of points, and algebraic vector bundles
11.06 Smooth and étale morphisms
18.06 A¹-invariance of vector bundles II: Lindel’s theorem and the Bass–Quillen conjecture
02.07 Max Glaser The A¹-homotopical classification of algebraic vector bundles
09.07 Symmetric bilinear forms and Grothendieck–Witt groups
16.07 A¹-homotopy classes of endomorphisms of the projective line
23.07 Marc Hoyois Outlook