SoSe 25 Oberseminar: The Bloch–Kato conjecture

Time and place: Tuesday 14:15-15:45 in M311 and online


The goal of this seminar is to discuss two aspects of Voevodsky’s chromatic approach to the Bloch–Kato conjecture, which together with last semester's seminar complete the proof of the conjecture. Specifically, we will:

  1. Prove the Hopkins–Morel isomorphism relating algebraic cobordism and motivic cohomology.
  2. Construct Rost motives, which are higher chromatic analogues of motives of finite field extensions.

The main ingredient for both results is the determination of the motivic Steenrod algebra, which is the algebra of bistable operations in motivic cohomology with coefficients in Z/l.

If you are interested in participating in this seminar, please contact Marc Hoyois or Niklas Kipp.

Date Speaker Topic
29.04 Marc Hoyois Power operations in motivic cohomology
06.05 The motivic Steenrod algebra
13.05 The Milnor operations
20.05 Symmetric powers of Tate motives
27.05 Motives of Eilenberg–Mac Lane spaces
03.06 The motivic cohomology of quotients of MGL
17.06 The Hopkins–Morel isomorphism
24.06 The motivic degree theorem
01.07 A uniqueness theorem for motivic Steenrod operations
08.07 Cohomology operations from symmetric powers
15.07 Generalized Rost motives
22.07 The Bloch–Kato conjecture